Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Episode 28
Main Takeaways
Implement science-based protocols such as sleep, mood, learning, nutrition, exercise, and creativity to optimize your daily routine and live a healthier and happier life.
Taking a walk each morning can help to reduce anxiety and increase alertness and focus, giving the perfect balance of calmness and focus. Optic flow is maximized when done outdoors.
Get 2-10 minutes of sunlight in your eyes every morning for a healthier and happier life. Combine it with a morning walk for an even better start to your day.
To be alert and mentally perform better, expose yourself to bright lights, drink 16 ounces of water with sea salt, and delay caffeine intake for 90-120 minutes after waking. Avoid blue blockers during the day, as blue light is optimal for stimulating neural retinas.
Delaying caffeine intake in the morning and fasting until noon can help to achieve a stable energy level and improved focus throughout the day.
Adding certain elements to fasting, such as caffeine from yerba mate and guayusa tea, and Athletic Greens with lemon juice helps mobilize and burn body fat. Looking upwards while working also increases alertness and attention.
Positioning your computer at eye level, setting a timer for 90 minutes, and avoiding restroom breaks can help boost your productivity and alertness while working on a computer.
Research has shown that low level white noise can help put the brain in an optimal learning and workflow state. Additionally, the best time for working smarter is 5-6 hours after waking up, as this period is when the body's temperature rise is at its steepest, triggering a healthy cortisol release.
Exercise for around an hour, five days per week in a 3:2 ratio (three days prioritizing strength and hypertrophy and two days emphasizing endurance) and take two days off per week for maximum benefit.
Eating a balanced diet that includes a combination of proteins, healthy fats, low carbohydrates, and omega-3 fatty acids can help promote alertness and wellbeing. Consult a doctor before taking any supplements to improve physical and cognitive performance.