Plasticity is the capacity of the nervous system to change, and accessing it is the first step in optimizing the brain.
Plasticity can be short-term, medium-term, or long-term, depending on the memory retention duration.
Autonomic arousal, including the sleep-wake cycle, is the foundation for neuroplasticity.
Triggering plasticity and learning requires high alertness states, but it does not occur during sleep.
To access plasticity and rewire the brain, good sleep is essential.
Light-detecting cells in the eyes are responsible for our wake and sleep cycle, and exposing ourselves to light in the morning helps to wake up.
Steps to increase wakefulness include sunlight exposure in the morning, delayed caffeine intake, drinking water, morning exercise, low-carb diets, and non-sleep deep rest protocol in the afternoon.
Eating shifts us toward a state of calm; fasting shifts us toward a state of alertness.
Creativity involves two stages, creative discovery mode and linear implementation mode.
Psychedelics may open users to creative discovery mode but not linear implementation mode, and visualization can release associated networks in the brain if it is linear.